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Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CPPS)

buttock pain“There are no recipes, prediction rules or guidelines for patients presenting with chronic pelvic disability with or without pain and it is likely that a multimodel approach will always be more effective for long-term success.” (Chaitow, L., Chronic Pelvic Pain and Dysfunction: Practical Physical Medicine. Elsevier Churchill Livingston, 2012)

It is suggested that approximately 15-20% of women and 8% of men in the US population have experienced CPPS. Most cases have some soft-tissue involvement in which 360 NMT can assist. We also have built collaborative relationships with physical therapists and physicians to successfully treat patients using a multimodal approach. Please see our resources section for pelvic pain specialists.

Dr. Chaitow’s blog offers good resources and information on Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome.

Case example coming soon.

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