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360 Neuromuscular Therapy

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360 NMT® Services


NeuroMuscular Therapy (NMT) is advanced, problem solving massage therapy. Our mission at 360 is to treat muscular pain using evidence-informed neuromuscular techniques so that you can come a full 360 degrees from pain to pain-free.

We integrate cutting-edge myofascial pain research into our treatment planning. Your session may include a postural evaluation, a review of your health and injury history, discussion of treatment goals, and the application of neuromuscular and trigger point techniques to reduce pain and improve function. In addition, we may suggest home-care activities to reinforce the work for longer-lasting results. Because each person is different, recommendations are made on an individual basis. 

You can confidently see any therapist at the 360 NMT clinic. We are all 'soft-tissue detectives' and embrace the challenge of searching for and addressing the root of soft-tissue sourced pain. If you are uncertain who to schedule with or what type of appointment to book, please call us. We will listen to your story, answer any questions and make the best referral for your specific needs to a therapist within our group.


360 NMT® Treatment Options


NeuroMuscular Therapy

360 NMT® signature treatments are recommended for prolonged, troublesome, and often enigmatic muscle pain and dysfunction. They are also recommended for injury prevention and as an adjunct to physical therapy. Treatments address soft tissue sources of the pain derived from muscle, fascia, tendons, ligament, and nerve entrapments.

360 NMT's advanced practitioners are nationally certified in either NeuroMuscular Therapy (CNMT) and/or Manual Trigger Point Therapy (CMTPT). They use an ‘evidence-informed’ neuromuscular approach to resolve pain. Examples of conditions treated in the upper body include whiplash, headache and migraine, TMJ, neck and shoulder pain, epicondylosis, and carpal tunnel syndrome, among others. Examples in the lower body include chronic back pain, pelvic pain, sciatic and hip pain, IT Band syndrome, patella femoral syndrome, and plantar fasciitis, among many others.

Initial evaluations include a detailed postural assessment and muscle length testing to ascertain the effect of short and tight muscles on bones and joints. Manual and soft-tissue techniques are used to deactivate trigger points, improve muscular imbalance, resolve nerve entrapments, and correct static and dynamic postural distortion. Homecare activities may be recommended to expedite recovery time. Cumulative results from NMT treatment include decreased pain, improved performance and increased joint range-of-motion.

Therapists: Bridget Devine, Sarah Ernst-Edwards, Lisa Gorman, Kristen Lutz, Amanda Murphy, Lily Stone

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Therapeutic Massage

Therapeutic massage treatments are recommended for less complex conditions such as muscle soreness, muscle tightness, stiffness and/or strains. Some neuromuscular and trigger point techniques will be used in combination with more classic massage techniques.

Many people receive therapeutic massage for athletic recovery, injury prevention, performance-maintenance, performance-enhancement and general well-being. Sessions are always tailored for you. Choose a full-body treatment or concentrated time on a problematic region of the body.

This session type is provided by our talented Clinical Residents who are pursuing post-graduate studies while working at 360 NMT. The purpose of our Residency Program is to provide licensed and experienced massage therapists with the opportunity to further develop technical expertise in the neuromuscular approach and receive unique mentorship within our clinical setting.

Therapists: Harrison Ha

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Corrective Movement

Corrective Movement Intervention sessions will:

  • Screen for risk of injury in healthy individuals
  • Screen for key biomechanical faults that have led to soft-tissue rehabilitation plateaus in people recovering from injury
  • Teach movements and stretches that override poor patterns that have become imbedded
  • Speed up the rehabilitation process and effectiveness of neuromuscular therapy
  • Emphasize a safe environment for patients that have been in long-standing pain to trust moving again
  • Suggest recommendations and home care routines that are carefully graded and paced to prevent flare-ups
  • Build a step-by-step, customized program that helps clients progress to more strenuous athletic endeavors
  • Make appropriate referrals to other healthcare providers if movement screen reveals joint or nerve involvement

Therapist: Peter Stone

Call for appointment: 781 444 3609

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